I’m Derek Parker, but you can call me Proof of Concept. I am currently in my mid-forties and by far a better version of myself today than I was a decade ago. If you are a regular guy looking to make reasonable improvements in your health, wellness, finances, and relationships, then Finding Tools is a good place to start.

Sometimes progress is measured in small acts.

Finding Tools is a newsletter about the tools and techniques that I use to “Do Better” every day. Once a week, I will share my personal journey, tools I have explored, tips for success, and reminders that even regular guys like us can do amazing things when we work at it.

Fifteen years ago, I realized that I needed to make some changes in my life. My health was meh, my relationships were mediocre, my finances were deep red, and my mental health was not even on my radar. In terms of fixing, none of these were in my wheelhouse. Fortunately, I am good at figuring out how things work and which tools are needed to get the job done. It has taken some trial and error as well as some fits and starts, but eventually, I began to make progress. With progress came understanding, and the more I understood, the more my results compounded.

There is still work to be done and tools to investigate. My goal is simple, “DO BETTER.”

This newsletter is free and will likely remain that way. Not that I am opposed to making money, but if I am going to sell something, it’s going to be tools, and I haven’t made those yet.

So, subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.

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Fitter and happier at 47. Let's redefine what fitness looks like in middle age. Follow me on my journey to Age Smarter and Live Longer.


Derek Parker is an educator, maker, and entrepreneur with 25 years in art fabrication. Now in his 40s, Derek has turned his unique perspective inward as he finds the tools and techniques to live a fuller, happier, and more authentic life.